Monday, February 13, 2012

oh my,,, I am super happy.

I got a big delivery box full of korean food and my mom's gift.
as a usual, she has collected some articles from newspaper for me.
and a book. 

look at all those stuff she sent.
I am so lucky to have a such a great mom.
She has amazingly given me so much energy... 
that energy from her I just say i want to do better and better. 

also, I received my the external driver that I sent korea to get fixed.
I cost $400 though, it worth,
from now on, I will do back up-no matter what!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

installation at the gallery

it is the first show ever for me. We have worked on the book project since the first semester started.
In the beginning, we didn't know how we started and struggled a lot under a lot anxiety and pressure to produce nice works everyweek.

Now we finished this long journey.
some feelings to do better has remained in my mind. 
But definitely, there are a lot things learned. 

I will do better this time.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

practicing small figures.

for the last semester, I drew and painted figures quite big.
this time. I need to be more enjoying drawing a number of figures and locations on paper.
which is going to be a little challenging though,
definitely I will learn a lot.
I choose some photo shots from street fashion sites.

I will continuously draw more.

Frida Kahlo.

I have been reading her two books(her diary, a collection of her letters)
In her diary, I see her destructive mind with all rough, chaotic painting and colors.

How painful she could possibly handle that.
I could have never expected to imagine that.

I admire her works.
There are a lot of dramas in depth and herself.

She had meditated herself through painting.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

the article of canine.

ard-toiling sniffer dog ready to put his paws up

잘나가던 헌혈견 "나 살려줄 주인 찾아요"

Jan 26,2012
Edge, an 11-year-old Labrador Retriever sniffer dog and blood donor, is stroked by veterinarian Lee Gwan-gu, who supervises his exercises at the Seoul National University Hospital for Animals. By Kim Do-hoon
A Labrador Retriever that has worked his tail off for nine of his 11 years is being retired.

Edge, a 65-centimeter Lab with sleek black fur, worked at Incheon International Airport as a sniffer dog with a keen nose for methamphetamine and hashish from 2003 until 2008.
For the next three years, Edge was a professional blood donor for fellow canines in need. His blood saved the lives of some 50 dogs.

Born in the United States on Jan. 1, 2001, Edge was brought to Korea the following year by handlers of the Korea Customs Service.

Edge began training to become a detection dog in the summer of 2002 with nine other dogs. Only two in the class graduated to become sniffer dogs.

He had four to five one-hour shifts a day trying to find drugs being illicitly shipped into Korea. Dogs have senses of smell 40 times as acute as that of human beings.

Over six years, Edge sniffed out eight cases of illegal trafficking of drugs worth 350 million won ($311,000), some concealed with a high level of ingenuity.

When his olfactory sense started to weaken, Edge gave up his leash to allow younger pups to take his place.

But at the Seoul National University College of Veterinary Medicine, Edge began his second career as a blood donor.

For dogs to become blood donors, they have to be healthy, well vaccinated, free of anemia and weigh over 27 kilograms (59.5 pounds). There are 13 types of blood in dogs.

Edge is so accustomed to having blood drawn that he doesn’t flinch when the needle goes in. He simply shuts his eyes.

One veterinarian describes him as a “calm man of religion” for his composure and quiet dignity.

And reaching a ripe age in canine years, Edge - the glossy black fur around his chin now whitened - is ready to put up his paws in a warm home looked after by a caring owner. He seems almost certain to get one.

After the JoongAng Ilbo reported yesterday that if Edge didn’t find a home he may have to be euthanized, the response was so overwhelming that Seoul National University Hospital for Animals is no longer accepting offers and doesn’t even want any telephone inquiries.

“There have been so many inquiries regarding Edge that it is disturbing our hospital’s work,” stated one worker at the hospital yesterday afternoon. The hospital hasn’t announced the name of Edge’s new owner.

By Jung Won-yeob []

IT hurts me, whenever I find those kind of articles. People just abuse animals and abandon them like nothing.
So irresponsible. 
They use them until what they gain with any guarantee.
because they are just animals>? poor things. I feel so terrible.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

personal works

this is for my friend's one year-old son.
I couldn't really adore him that much. I gave it to her as a gift.

As always, I miss my baby. I wish I could bring him to NY.
But,, it is just impossible for now.
I do miss my dog.

My birthday will be alone again?
It doesn't really matter though, I say to myself.
'Happy Birthday..'

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