Saturday, November 26, 2011

christmas cards~

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Carl's assginment

Someday, I do want to work on some mysterious characters.
Unintentionally, I have dealt with human figures a lot. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It has been three month. wow.

It has been over three month since I came to NewYork.
I set up my stuff in Brooklyn, and it was very shaggy.
Maybe it is still shaggy, though I love it. HAHA
Love my casa.

Sometimes I need to question myself whether I do my best or not.
I can tell that I work hard. I love it.
But people get used to do something easily and forget about the first time.
So, I don;t want to be the type of the people.

I have to remind of the moment that how I was last year and how I pursued.

I am blessed.
No matter what I am blessed.

Love it!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a pig story

This is a pig project for a class.
It is awesome 
I am having so much fun of doing new works with new tools or method.
It gives me so much energy to do other work~!

2010 portfolio-2

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